Tentara Israel Ini yang Menembak Perawat Palestina Razan Najjar? Simak Pengakuannya

Ribuan orang di Gaza, Palestina mengantar jenazah Razan Najjar ke tempat peristirahatan terakhirnya.
Almarhumah tak pernah gentar maju ke zona merah, menghadapi semburan gas air mata atau muntahan peluru yang ditembakkan tentara Israel, demi melaksanakan tugas sebagai perawat.
Namun, peluru yang ditembakkan sniper Israel pada Jumat 1 Juni 2018 mengakhiri hidupnya. Kala itu, ia sedang menolong para demonstran yang luka-luka di perbatasan Gaza dan Israel.
“Orang-orang menderita oleh tembakan gas air mata,” kata Rami Abu Jazzar, sesama paramedis yang ada di lokasi kejadian, seperti dikutip dari CNN, Senin (4/6/2018).
“Seorang pria berada di dekat pagar dan berteriak, ‘Tolong bantu saya, tolong’. Razan pun mendekat untuk menolongnya,” kata dia. Saat itulah peluru menerjang punggungnya.
Usia Razan baru 21 tahun saat hidupnya direnggut. Ia pergi terlalu cepat.
Ayah dan ibunya, Ashraf dan Sabreen al-Najjar terus menangisi kepergian sang buah hati, yang tewas hanya beberapa ratus meter dari rumah mereka di Khan Younis.
Mereka memeluk rompi berlumuran darah yang dikenakan Razan di hari ketika hidupnya berakhir.
“Anak saya memang bertubuh kecil, tapi ia gadis yang kuat. Satu-satunya senjata yang dimilikinya adalah rompi yang menunjukkan bahwa ia adalah petugas medis,” kata sang ibu, Sabreen al-Najjar.
Semasa hidup, Razan yakin, rompi itu akan melindunginya. Di tengah situasi paling barbar sekalipun.
“Rompi ini akan melindungiku,” itu yang ia ucapkan ke ayah dan ibunya sebelum berangkat tugas. “Allah bersamaku. Aku tidak takut.”
Razan Najjar adalah petugas medis kedua yang tewas di perbatasan Gaza dan Israel, di tengah demonstrasi memperingati 70 tahun Nakba sejak 30 Maret 2018.
Nakba adalah peristiwa tatkala hampir satu juta orang Palestina dipaksa meninggalkan kampung halamannya, untuk membuka jalan bagi berdirinya negara Israel.
Militer Israel atau Israel Defense Forces (IDF) saat ini sedang menyelidiki kematian Razan Najjar. Hasil penyelidikan belum lagi diumumkan, namun sosok terduga penembak beredar di media sosial.
Sosok itu adalah seorang perempuan. Namanya Rebecca. Fotonya kemudian menyebar ke dunia maya.
Benarkah mantan tentara IDF itu yang menembak perawat Palestina Razan Najjar?
Bantahan RebeccaArtikel berjudul ‘IDF vet gets death threats after she’s falsely accused of killing Gaza medic’, yang dimuat di situs Time of Israel pada Minggu 3 Juni 2018 memuat bantahan Rebecca.
Ia yang menolak menyebutkan nama belakangnya mengaku tak bertanggung jawab atas kematian Razan.
Rebecca disebut tak lagi berdinas di militer sekitar 2,5 tahun lalu. Saat menjadi serdadu IDF, ia juga tak pernah menjadi penembak jitu atau sniper.
Perempuan 24 tahun itu saat ini dilaporkan bekerja di Israel untuk mengisi waktu jedanya. “Bulan depan ia akan mulai mengajar Bahasa Inggris untuk para pengungsi asal Afrika,” demikian pengakuannya, seperti dikutip dari media Israel itu.
Rebecca mengaku baru tahu tuduhan yang dialamatkan kepadanya pada Sabtu 2 Juni 2018, ketika ia menyalakan telepon genggamnya, usai Shabbat berakhir.
“Aku membuka telepon genggamku setelah Shabbat. Ada ratusan pesan dari banyak orang di laman Facebook-ku,” kata dia.
Perempuan itu mengaku, akun media sosialnya, termasuk Instagram dibombardir dengan komentar negatif. “Itu terus-terusan muncul,” kata dia.
Setelah menutup sejumlah akun media sosialnya, Rebecca melapor ke polisi.
“Saya sedih karena teman-teman dan keluarga saya juga telah diancam. Dan, di media sosial, tidak ada cara untuk melindungi diri Anda dari potensi menjadi korban ancaman dan kebohongan,” kata dia.
Rebecca awalnya menutup laman Facebook-nya, setelah menerima ratusan pesan bernada mengancam. Namun, ia mengaktifkannya kembali setelah dihubungi oleh petugas dari Unit Juru Bicara IDF.
“Petugas memberi tahu saya bahwa tidak ada risiko terhadap keselamatan saya,” kata dia.
Juru bicara IDF kemudian mendorong Rebecca untuk membuat video sebagai tanggapan atas klaim yang mengaitkannya dengan kematian Razan Najjar. Video itu lalu dipublikasikan oleh kelompok advokasi pro-Israel StandWithU.
Seperti dimuat Time of Israel, tuduhan pada Rebecca diduga berasal dari laman Facebook Suhair Nafal, seorang wanita yang tinggal di Chicago, Illinois, Amerika Serikat. Ia mengaku berasal dari Ramallah.
Nafal mengambil gambar dan deskripsi Rebecca dari postingan di laman Facebook resmi Pasukan Pertahanan Israel (IDF) pada Mei 2014.
IDF mengidentifikasi Rebecca sebagai seorang tentara kelahiran Boston yang, pada usia 18, pindah ke Israel dan bergabung dengan IDF.
Awalnya, Rebecca adalah prajurit yang punya spesialisasi dalam pendidikan, tetapi kemudian memutuskan untuk terjun ke lapangan.
Dalam gambar, Rebecca terlihat berdiri di padang pasir dengan peralatan tempur lengkap, tersenyum ke kamera saat memegang senapan M-16.
Sumber: liputan6.com
Searching online for a good law firm that handles Mesothelioma claims is a good start for finding a cancer lawyer. They are not very difficult to find, since Mesothelioma is a fatal illness and limits the lifespan of anyone inflicted with it to just two years. The tragedy of learning about the disease is discovering that it can also be prevented. The only known and proven cause of Mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos. When asbestos dust is inhaled, it gathers in the lungs and begins to eat lung tissue away. After some time, it develops into the lethal cancer that kills its victims. Many wonder how exposure to asbestos happens. People who have worked in the industries where asbestos was present have had high exposure to the deadly dust that leads to Mesothelioma. Asbestos textile workers, construction workers and demolition workers have had significant exposure. Miners and shipyard workers have probably had exposure every single day they have worked. The U.S. military also has placed workers at risk. On a yearly basis, about 3000 Americans are diagnosed with Mesothelioma. The job of physicians who are using interventions to fight the disease is almost impossible. They have been able to give medicines and treatments that help stop the extreme pains associated with the disease. Beyond that, their hands have been tied. Aggressive treatments are usually too expensive for those with the disease to afford. Many have gone bankrupt just trying to fight for their lives. If you have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma, you should hire an asbestos attorney to counsel you through your claim and any resulting lawsuits. Your Mesothelioma lawyer can help you determine whether you have a case against your employer. If you do, they can file the claim and guide you every step of the way towards a settlement. The experience of Mesothelioma lawyers can be such a relief to victims and their families. Usually, those in this predicament are thinking more about the ills of the disease rather than monetary compensation for their suffering. Many are not even focused on how they contracted the disease and do not know they can receive compensation. A Mesothelioma lawyer can help a family get the reparations they rightfully deserve and make a devastating time a little easier financially. Grieving family members, too, have a stake in hiring a Mesothelioma lawyer. Survivors of Mesothelioma victims are eligible to file claims. They have the right to know why their family members were not informed that the asbestos they inhaled could kill them. Going to an experienced attorney and telling them about your case could be your first step toward getting the compensation you deserve. Thank you for taking the time to read my Article! Please visit Get help from Mesothelioma Attorney [http://hiremesotheliomalawyer.com] site for more information. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3238762
There are over $600 Million dollars for Federal Recoveries nationwide in the USA, that means all the mesothelioma lawyers want a mesothelioma patient and have a piece of the $600 million dollar. Deciding to file a lawsuit is a very big step for most of the mesothelioma patients, Most of the mesothelioma patient do not consult a lawyer to win their rights from the law and are afraid of the high costs of the juries if they ever lose a trial. The other difficult part is deciding a lawyer to fight your case, most of the lawyers think more about their own profit then their patients. If you are diagnosed with mesothelioma and want to appeal for your damages, you have to consult a lawyer and have all the proof you need to win the case. Ask your friends, search the internet or look at your directory for a lawyer who you can be happy with and is easy to talk to, a lawyer with too much experience will often rip their clients and are experienced in benefiting more for themselves then the client. Choose a lawyer that you can trust and or have known for some time. Do not ever put a ad or contact a law firm about your need of a lawyer, you will be annoyed by the amount of calls you will get trying to get you as a customer and you might make a mistake by choosing the wrong person. When you choose a lawyer that you can trust and you feel good with then you can go ahead to your next step and find all the information about your past that you can. Find a old friend from your old workplace, where you got the disease from. Contact your manager, your old company and inform them about your situation. Make sure you have all the medical reports and results you need to proof that you are diagnosed with mesothelioma. Keep in touch with your doctor once in a while, because you might need him in the jury and always keep two copies of your medical documents for the court. Make sure the dates and signatures in your documents are Accurate, because even a small mistake could go against you. Contact as many mesothelioma specialists as you can as a backup for your case, in case you needed more people to proof your disease. On the jury day, Make sure you arrive at your trial early and have your family and friends with you to support you. Support is the most important factor in a trial or you will feel nervous and make mistakes during your case. Always listen carefully to what the judge and other lawyers are saying. NEVER say yes/no to a question until you understand it carefully. Think about 10 seconds before answering any questions. Some of the points that you have to proof in your Mesothelioma case are: The Fact: You have to prove you got the disease from your work or it some how made its way to your home. You have to prove you were never told about this during your work. You were not educated about Mesothelioma prevention before or during your job. Mesothelioma is a term you never heard before. You have Medical papers proving you are diagnosed with Mesothelioma. You did not take any medication or lived near a industrial area or worked in a location where asbestos was exposed to the breathing air. You can provide accurate information of your relationship with your employer from the term you started working there until you quit for what ever reason. Most of the mesothelioma cases are won in a federal trial, if the person has proof of the mesothelioma diseases inside his body; so most of the mesothelioma patients have been successful in last few years. It's your right, so take the step. Mesothelioma-Symptoms.info [http://mesothelioma-symptoms.info/]is a new mesothelioma resources website providing help and support for mesothelioma patients, you can visit them here [http://mesothelioma-symptoms.info/]. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/90323


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