Ayah dan Anak Tersangkut di Flying Fox, Lihat Apa yang Ada di Bawah Mereka

Sebuah video merekam momen-momen menegangkan kala seorang pria dan anak laki-lakinya tergantung di atas wahana luncur gantung atau flying fox di Gatorland, Florida, Amerika Serikat.
Yang lebih menyeramkan lagi adalah keduanya tergantung di atas kolam berawa yang dihuni beberapa ekor aligator besar.
Dikutip TribunTravel.com dari laman Daily Mail, insiden tersebut terjadi pada Sabtu (7/7/2018) lalu.
Dalam video tersebut si perekam terdengar berkata sebelum mengarahkan kamera ke wahana flying fox, “Benar-benar berpikir kamu mengalami hari yang buruk?”
“Nih, aku tunjukkan seperti apa sebenarnya hari yang buruk itu.”
Video ini diunggah di akun Facebook bernama Stewart Moore. Manajer Gatorland, Nick Cahippina mengatakan, orang-orang memang sering tersangkut di wahana flying fox dan itu memang sering terjadi.
Sementara, para pemandu telah terlatih untuk menangani situasi semacam ini dan kedua orang tersebut masih aman-aman saja, tegas sang manajer menurut laporan WESH.
Jarak antara pria dan sang anak yang tidak diketahui namanya itu dengan aligator di bawahnya adalah sekitar 40 kaki atau setara dengan 12 meter.
Keduanya tersangkut di flying fox sekitar 20 hingga 25 menit.
Itu adalah waktu yang cukup lama karena beban berat badan si ayah yang membuat wahana flying fox tersebut tertahan.
Menurut Nick Cahippina, hembusan angin yang cukup kencang juga cenderung menjadi penyebab seseorang tersangkut di flying fox.
Waktu yang normal untuk menempuh wahana flying fox di Gatorland adalah sekitar 10 hingga 15 menit.
Sumber: today.line.me
It is said that mesothelioma is linked to lung cancer and it is a good idea to get the help that is deserved when someone feels like they have been diagnosed because of the work that they did for a living. There are many mesothelimo lawyers that are waiting to help you with your situation and will get you the settlement that you deserve. There are many people that this disease affects. It will take its toll on the entire family. These lung cancer patients deserve to have the respect and the care that they deserve for all their duties while in the work force. It is important that these patients and their families have the necessary information that they deserve to be well informed about the entire process. Malignant mesothelima is a rare form of lung cancer that is brought on by asbestos. The term mesothelioma is used to describe a cancer tumor, which involves the mesothelial cells of an organ; this is usually the lungs, heart, or the abdominal organs. When a person is diagnosed with this form of disease, a mesothelima lawyer will fight to give them the rights that they so deserve. A person this is diagnosed with this form of cancer will have a long hard struggle in front of them. For most people, they will not get any better and will have to live with this type of problem for the rest of their life. When someone has to go through that much pain and suffering in their life because their company did not tell them that they were in danger, they will deserve a settlement for their time and their pain. A mesothelioma lawyer will fight for their patients to have all of their medical bills paid and to have a little extra money to help them with the rest of their life. This is an important procedure that will determine how well you settle out. You need to be confident in your attorney so that the facts can be presented and the client will have a fair and good case. In some cases the patients will die before the case is settled. In these cases, the families of them will be entitled to the remaining settlement. They will have to live without their family member for the rest of their life due to this terrible form of cancer and they will deserve to be compensated well for that reason. A mesothelioma lawyer will help them fight for what their loved one wanted so much. In the end, the money and the settlement cannot make what is wrong turn right. It is not going to bring back the loved one. However, it will be telling these companies that they did something wrong and that they did not get away with it. You will be fighting for rights of the workers and the responsibilities of the employers. Copyright 2006 - Ivar Rudi. For more information and resources about this subject check out: [http://www.mesothelioma-lawyer-guide.info] and also [http://www.mesothelioma-cancer-guide.org] and [http://www.mesothelioma-online.biz/] Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Ivar_Rudi/30006 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/237920


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