Ini Firasat Tanda-tanda Jodoh Sudah Dekat Menurut Islam

Pertanyaan:Tanda-tanda jodoh sudah dekat secara islami bagaimana? Firasatnya seperti apa. Kemudian, tanda jodoh datang dari Allah itu kayak apa?
Mohon jawabannya. Sebab usia saya sudah cukup matang untuk menikah. Terima kasih. Nadya — Jakarta Pusat.
Jawaban:Pertanda jodoh bisa melalui apa saja, baik lewat mimpi yang ditunjukkan Allah kepada kita.
Dan, ciri-ciri sudah bertemu jodoh biasanya dimudahkan segalanya ketika niat hati hendak segera melangsungkan pernikahan.
Guru besar Prof Dr Quraish Shihab pernah memberikan saran terkait dengan bagaimana merasakan tanda jodoh sudah dekat. Kira-kira begini saran dan pesan beliau:
“Ketika hati bergetar, saya ingin menggambarkan lagi begini. Pikiran bisa memikirkan sesuatu, melihat seorang wanita, akal bekerja dan hati bekerja.
Akal bisa salah dan akal memiliki pertimbangan berbeda dengan pertimbangan hati. Tidak seorang pun yang luput dari kekurangan, yang tidak bisa terjangkau oleh akal.
Karena itu pesannya:
Kalau Anda sudah senang kepada seseorang, jangan lagi tanya akal Anda. Karena kalau tanya akal, ada kekurangannya. Tapi tanyalah hati Anda.
Ketika hati Anda bergerak, ketika itu carikan pembenaran untuk akal Anda, ketika itu terjadi jua.
Jadi kalau hati sudah berdetak. Apalagi pernikahan itu diharapkan ada sakinah, mawaddah, dan rahmah.
Tiga hal tersebut semuanya berkaitan dengan hati.
Kendati begitu, redaksi menyarankan agar Anda tetap melakukan sholat istikharah. Tujuannya untuk meminta petunjuk dari Allah secara langsung.
Dengan catatan, mantapkan hati dan pikiran dalam meminta petunjuk melalui sholat istikharah. Dilakukan antara jam 01.00 sampai 03.00 lebih baik.
Kenapa? Pada jam itulah makrokosmos, semesta atau sinyal untuk mengantarkan doa ke langit lebih sensitif dan cepat, sehingga mudah diijabahi atau dikabulkan.
Dan ingat, cintailah seseorang karena Allah. Bukan karena yang lain, sehingga mahligai rumah tangga akan mendapatkan rahmat yang melimpah.
Recent times have brought an unfortunate reality upon the world. The price of oil is rising, followed by the huge jump in gas prices. It seems like oil prices will keep going up, making gas more and more expensive, while salaries remain the same and make people put less and less gas in their car. However, there is a solution for that. Trading the currency market, another name for the forex market, can be a very profitable activity, much beyond the price of gas you put in your car. It combines several characteristics that make it perfect for people who don't want to be scared when they visit the gas station. The forex market requires only a small initial investment, so you can start trading very quickly. Many money making opportunities require a big capital investment, which can take a big portion of your intended gas money. On the contrary, opening a forex account and starting to trade takes about $1,000 to $5,000, which is not too much for most people. It's recommended to deposit more in the beginning, but even small amounts can work. Furthermore, the forex market never suffers from any periods of "bearish" activity, which means a long period of a downward market, low trading volumes, and high uncertainty. The currencies on the market are traded in pairs, so when one currency goes up, the other one goes down. This constant change in exchange rates means an endless profit opportunity for you. Experience is not something you must have in order to trade the forex market. There are many forex trading systems out there that can place orders on their own and generate good profits. Even people who never touched a forex trading platform can generate a good income from letting those automated trading systems do their job, and the good ones can make a very big profit. The biggest advantage of forex trading is avoiding the need to leave your home, so you are not spending gas and paying for it. All you do is sit in front of your computer and place trades. You can even do other things, like watch television or read a book, if you're using a trading system. This big gas saving is very important in today's times of expensive gas. To get started trading the forex market, find yourself a good forex broker and a good trading system, like Forex Tracer, start trading, and stop being scared of high oil prices. About the author: Nadav Snir is a stock market trader and forex trader. To become a serious trader, visit to choose yourself a forex broker and a trading system. Article Source: Article Source:


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