Masjid Terapung Akan Dibangun di Pariaman Sumatera Barat

Salah satu upaya pemerintah setempat untuk memajukan wisata religius adalah membangun masjid terapung di kawasan Pantai Pauah Kecamatan Pariaman Tengah.
Pemko Pariaman lakukan pemancangan perdana tiang bangunan Masjid Terapung yang akan menjadi ikon wisata religi Kota Pariaman di tingkat Provinsi Sumbar yang berada di kawasan Desa Pauh Barat, Kota Pariaman, Senin, (02/07/2018).
Pemancangan tonggak perdana ini juga ditandai penandatanganan prasasti oleh Walikota Pariaman di lokasi Pembangunan Masjid Terapung tersebut yang disaksikan langsung Asisten Administrasi Umum Pemprov Sumbar Nasir Ahmad, Wawako Genius Umar, Muspika dan Muspida Pariaman, Pimpinan BUMN/BUMD, Kepala OPD, Camat dan Kepala Desa/Kelurahan se-Kota Pariaman.
Walikota Mukhlis Rahman mengungkapkan keberadaan bangunan Masjid ini nantinya dapat membawa perubahan yang lebih baik lagi bagi masyarakat Kota Pariaman dan sekitarnya.
“Karena untuk membangun masjid terapung ini saja memerlukan biaya yang cukup besar yang tidak mungkin dibangun dalam waktu satu tahun, akan tetapi butuh waktu beberapa tahun untuk mengerjakannya mengingat pembiayaannya bersumber dari APBD Kota Pariaman, termasuk juga mengenai perizinannya melalui rekomendasi dari Pemerintah Provinsi Sumbar,” papar Mukhlis.
Pemko Pariaman telah penuhi dan lengkapi perizinan tersebut sehingga tepat pada HUT Kota Pariaman ke-16 ini pembangunannya bisa dimulai.
Dia merasa mendapat sebuah kehormatan tersendiri karena dipenghujung kepemimpinannya masih berkesempatan untuk menanamkan tiang perdana Pembangunan Masjid Terapung.
Dengan diraihnya suara terbanyak Pilkada Kota Pariaman oleh Genius Umar dan Mardison Mahyuddin dapat melanjutkan pembangunan masjid ini sampai selesai.
Sehingga di HUT Kota Pariaman ke-21 bangunan Masjid ini selesai dan Genius Umar dapat Meresmikan Pembangunan pemakaian Masjid Terapung Kota Pariaman.
Asisten Administrasi Umum Nasir Ahmad mewakili Gubernur Sumbar mengatakan bangunan masjid ini bukan saja untuk ibadah tetapi Pusat pendidikan dan pengembangan Islam.
Perkembangan ekonomi karena akan menjadi bagian yang tak terpisahkan dalam kehidupan masyarakat Sumbar yg menganut sistem Adat basandi Syarak dan Syarak Basandi Kitabullah.
Pihaknya berharap bangunan masjid terapung yang akan menjadi sebagai ikon Kota Pariaman dalam Provinsi Sumbar ini tidak hanya dibangun melalui APBD.
Namun dukungan pihak lain dalam mendukung percepatan pembangunan secara bergotong royong baik yang diranah maupun yang dirantau.
“Jangan sampai masjid ini dibangun hanya untuk kualitasnya saja, tapi mari kita bangun juga kualitas dari sumber daya manusia, khususnya generasi muda sendiri yang juga menjadi kewajiban pemerintah dan pelaku kepentingan dalam mencapai manfaat dari masjid,” harap Ahmad.
Working with asbestos can cause serious health issues including diseases like cancer, mesothelioma, lung scarring and other health complications. Today, one can file for injury at work claims if they have been in contact with asbestos in their workplace in any form. From the early 1950's to the late 1970's, the use of asbestos was abundant in various industrial as well as domestic applications. Therefore, if someone has worked with or was in the proximity of asbestos in any way, they have the right to opt for compensation in case they have encountered any of the health complications or anomalies related to asbestos poisoning. Since asbestos was used in a lot of construction work, it is quite possible that an individual or his or her family might be staying in a home which utilized this mineral in its construction work. It is not only the occupants which might suffer from the use of asbestos in the construction work, but the construction worker themselves tend to be at high risk of facing asbestos poisoning. One of the biggest complications of asbestos poisoning is that the first symptoms of health complications might take up to at least 10 to even 35 years after inhaling the fibers of the mineral. However, in order to ensure proper asbestos compensation it is important to opt for experienced personal injury lawyer or law firm specializing in such claims. It is important to opt for specialized legal professionals in such scenarios because the insurance company or the entity responsible for the asbestos poisoning will be opting for legal aid well versed in such claim cases. Therefore, in order to prevent loss of such claims, it is essential to opt for legal professionals who have experience and expertise in solving such claim cases ensuring proper compensation for their client. In order to file a proper asbestos compensation claim it is essential to discuss entire work history or history of any other source which might have caused exposure to asbestos. This might turn out to be quite lengthy however, it is important to go through all these aspects in detail in order to find out if they have had substantial exposure to asbestos. Moreover, it is also important to back up the claim with clinical documentation including CT-scan and X-ray which should clearly show the fibrosis or other medical conditions which one might encounter due to exposure to asbestos fibers. Apart from such scans, it is also important to other types of pulmonary tests which might indicate damage in lung volume capacity or other such complications. Apart from the results from such clinical procedures it is also important to consult medical professionals to verify the medical condition and confirmation that the symptoms clearly indicate asbestos poisoning. With the aid of all these different types of documentations, medical, professional as well as personal, an injury at work attorney will be able to file a suitable asbestos related injury claim. From past medical expenses to future medical expenses to even lost earnings, one can claim a compensation for all these various aspects in their asbestos injury compensation. If your job involves working in an asbestos infested environment then great care needs to be exercised to minimize the risk of illness. If you need to make a claim for asbestos compensation [] or suffer any other kind of injury at work [] then you need to seek professional advice. A trained solicitor can help you with the preparation of your compensation case and greatly increase your chances of winning the claim. Article Source: Article Source:


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