Pantas Saja Rezeki Kita Tak Kunjung Datang Juga, Ternyata Satu Perkara Ini Penyebabnya

Allah menjamin rezeki setiap makhluknya, bahkan kepada seekor semutpun. Maka jangan khawatirkan rezeki, sedikit atau banyak, semua datang dari Allah.
Semua itu terjamin, dan dijanjikan Allah di dalam Alquran yang diturunkannya melalui Nabi Muhammad.
Namun pernahkah kita merasa selama ini rezeki tak kunjung datang juga? Lalu pernahkah kita berpikir mengapa terasa amat susah sekali rezeki datang kepada kita?
Meski begitu yang harus kita pikirkan adalah bahwa ada perkara yang menyebabkan rezeki itu menjadi terhalang untuk datang.
Terkadang malah kita justru tidak sadar tentang penyebab itu, padahal justru diri kita sendiri yang menjadi penyebabnya. Bahaya kalau sudah begini, bukan?
Ternyata, salah satu diantara penghalang rezeki tersebut adalah TIDUR PAGI.
Di waktu pagi, Allah sedang membagi-bagikan rezekinya pada kita. Namun apa jadinya bila waktu pagi tersebut kita gunakan untuk tidur.
Sementara sudah ada waktu malam yang panjang untuk kita beristirahat.
Bila kita masih saja terlelap tidur di pagi hari dan berharap rezeki di hari itu akan mengalir, maka kita dianggap seperti punguk merindukan rembulan.
Bangunlah di pagi hari, dimana bila kita mengisi waktu tersebut dengan sebaik mungkin, seperti berdzikir, berdoa, maka pasti Allah akan memberikan kepada kita keutamaan yang amat besar.
Jangan sampai rezeki kita hari ini menjadi terhalang. Amatlah rugi.
Dan sekarang yang menjadi pertanyaan adalah, pantaskah kita mendapatkan rezeki sementara diri selalu membiasakan tidur pagi dan malas-malasan? Lalu apalah gunanya hidup ini?
Jangan karena satu hal ini menyebabkan kehidupan kita menjadi hina, baik dimata manusia maupun dimata Sang Pencipta.
You have probably heard of Automated Forex Trading. The claims of a Forex computer program making you thousands each day without having to even lift a finger. Is it too good to be true? Does a system like this actually exist. The answer isn't as simple as 'Yes' or 'No' - the answer is "it depends". OK, so "it depends" doesn't work for you. I get it. You want to know, what is the hype all about? Let me tell you. When you see a company advertising an "Automated Forex Trading" system they are most likely advertising an "expert advisor". An "expert advisor" is a program, written by a Forex trader, to execute trades on the Metatrader Forex trade platform according to certain trade rules established by the trader. Most traders use these "expert advisors" but to varying degrees. One of the partners in our group programs expert advisors for our company. We use our expert advisors to manage trade algorithms that require faster than human calculations. Some traders use them to manage 100% of their trading activity while others may only use them to enter trades or may not use them at all. These expert advisors provide a huge advantage by turning some of the more difficult aspects of trading over to a computer that can calculate and process much faster than a human ever could dream of. There are problems with automated Forex trading though. The most obvious being that computers have glitches and technology is never perfect. Turning your hard earned money over to a computer to manage is a scary thought. Also, there can often exist bugs in the code of an expert advisor that can only be discovered by trading the program. If the person selling the expert advisor has not done sufficient testing to establish the problems you may be left with an expensive error. The claim made by the promoters of automated trading systems that you never have to do anything other than "turn it on" is misleading and reckless to say the least. Forex markets are ALWAYS changing and a Forex Trading System that worked yesterday may require adjustments to be profitable today. Expert advisors have built in options to allow you to adjust these trade parameters to meet the changing markets. But what happens if the purchaser of an automated trading program doesn't understand what moves the Forex market or why a specific expert advisor works in the first place. If you are considering buying an automated Forex trading program but have never traded Forex, DON'T. You will lose your money. However, if you understand what moves the Forex market and know how to trade on your own without a computer program - an automated Forex trading program can be a valuable tool in your trading arsenal. J.Star is an independent Forex Trader. Article Source: Article Source:


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