“Aku Ingin Menghadiahkan Jubah kemuliaan pada Orang Tuaku”

Minggu lalu saya kembali Jum’atan di Graha CIMB Niaga Jalan Sudirman setelah lama sekali nggak sholat Jum’at di situ
Sehabis meeting dengan salah satu calon investor di lantai 27, saya buru-buru turun ke masjid karena takut terlambat, dan benar aja sampai di masjid adzan sudah berkumandang. Karena terlambat saya jadi tidak tau siapa nama Khatibnya saat itu, dan sambil mendengarkan khutbah saya melihat Sang Khatib dari layar lebar yg di pasang di luar ruangan utama masjid. Khatibnya masih muda, tampan, berjenggot namun penampilannya bersih, dan dari wajahnya saya melihat aura kecerdasan, tutur katanya lembut namun tegas, dari penampilannya yang menarik tersebut, saya jadi penasaran, apa isi khutbahnya.
Ternyata betul dugaan saya! isi ceramah dan cara menyampaikannya membuat jamaah larut dalam keharuan. Banyak yang mengucurkan air mata (termasuk saya), bahkan ada yang sampai tersedu sedan.
Dengan gaya yang menarik Sang Khatib menceritakan “true story”, seorang anak berumur 10 tahun namanya Umar, dia anak pengusaha sukses yang kaya raya. Oleh ayahnya si Umar di sekolahkan di SD Internasional paling bergengsi di Jakarta, tentu bisa ditebak, bayarannya sangat mahal, tapi bagi si pengusaha, tentu bukan masalah, lha uangnya berlimpah. Sebab si ayah berpikir kalau anaknya harus mendapat bekal pendidikan terbaik di semua jenjang, agar anaknya kelak menjadi orang yg sukses mengikuti jejaknya.
Suatu hari isterinya kasih tahu kalau Sabtu depan si ayah diundang menghadiri acara “Father’s Day” di sekolah Umar. “Waduuuh saya sibuk ma, kamu aja deh yg datang” begitu ucap si ayah kepada isterinya. Bagi dia acara beginian sangat nggak penting, dibanding urusan bisnis besarnya. Tapi kali ini isterinya marah dan mengancam, sebab sudah kesekian kalinya si ayah nggak pernah mau datang ke acara anaknya, dia malu karena anaknya selalu didampingi ibunya, sedang anak yang lain selalu didampingi ayahnya, karena diancam isterinya, si ayah mau hadir meski agak ogah-agahan.
Father’s day adalah acara yg dikemas khusus dimana murid-murid saling unjuk kemampuan di depan ayah-ayahnya. Karena ayah si Umar ogah-agahan maka dia memilih duduk di paling belakang, sementara para ayah yang lain berebut duduk di depan agar bisa menyemangati anaknya yang akan tampil di panggung. Satu persatu murid menampilkan bakat dan kebolehannya masing-masing, ada yg menyanyi, menari, membaca puisi, pantomim, dan ada pula yang pamerkan lukisannya, dan lainnya. Semua mendapat applause yang gegap gempita dari ayah-ayah mereka. Tibalah giliran si Umar dipanggil gurunya untuk menampilkan kebolehannya.
“Miss, bolehkah saya panggil pak Arief” tanya si Umar kpd gurunya. Pak Arief adalah guru mengaji untuk kegiatan ekstra kurikuler di sekolah itu.” Oh boleh!” jawab gurunya, dan pak Ariefpun dipanggil ke panggung.
“Pak Arief, bolehkah bapak membuka Kitab Suci Al-Qur’an Surat An-Naba,” Umar minta kepada guru ngajinya.
“Tentu saja boleh nak,” jawab pak Arief.
“Tolong bapak perhatikan apakah bacaan saya ada yg salah” lalu si Umar mulai melantunkan hapalan QS An-Naba’nya, dengan lantunan irama yg persis seperti bacaan Syaikh Sudais (Imam Besar Masjidil Haram).
Semua hadirin diam terpaku mendengarkan bacaan si Umar yg mendayu-dayu, termasuk ayah si Umar yg duduk dibelakang. “Stop! kamu telah selesai membaca ayat 1 s/d 5 dengan sempurna, sekarang coba kamu baca ayat 9” kata pak Arief memotong bacaan Umar.
Lalu Umarpun membaca ayat 9. “Stop! coba sekarang baca ayat 21..lalu ayat 33..” Setelah usai Umar membacanya, kata pak Arief, “Sekarang kamu baca ayat 40 (ayat terakhir).” Umarpun membaca ayat ke 40 sampai selesai.
Subhanallah, kamu hafal Surat An-Naba’ dengan sempurna nak,” teriak pak Arief sambil mengucurkan air matanya. Para hadirin yang muslimpun tak kuasa menahan airmatanya.
Lalu pak Arief bertanya kepada Umar, ”Kenapa kamu memilih menghafal Al-Quran dan membacakannya di acara ini nak, sementara teman-temanmu unjuk kebolehan yg lain?” tanya pak Arief penasaran.
“Begini pak guru, waktu saya malas mengaji dalam mengikuti pelajaran Bapak, Bapak menegur saya sambil menyampaikan sabda Rasulullah saw, ‘Siapa yang membaca Al-Quran, mempelajarinya, dan mengamalkannya, maka dipakaikan mahkota dari cahaya pada hari kiamat. Cahayanya seperti cahaya matahari dan kedua orang tuanya dipakaikan dua jubah (kemuliaan) yang tidak pernah didapatkan di dunia. Keduanya bertanya, ‘Mengapa kami dipakaikan jubah ini?’ Dijawab,’Karena kalian berdua memerintahkan anak kalian untuk mempelajari Al Quran.’ (H.R. Al-Hakim)
“Pak guru, saya ingin mempersembahkan “Jubah Kemuliaan” kepada ibu dan ayah saya di hadapan Allah di akherat kelak, sebagai seorang anak yang berbakti kepada kedua orangnya.” Semua orang terkesiap dan tdk bisa membendung air matanya mendengar ucapan anak berumur 10 tahun tersebut. Di tengah suasana hening tersebut, tiba-tiba terdengar teriakan “Allahu Akbar!” dari seseorang yang lari dari belakang menuju ke panggung.
Ternyata dia ayah si Umar, yang dengan tergopoh-gopoh langsung menubruk sang anak, bersimpuh sambil memeluk kaki anaknya. “Ampuun nak, maafkan ayah yang selama ini tidak pernah memperhatikanmu, tidak pernah mendidikmu dengan ilmu agama, apalagi mengajarimu mengaji,” ucap sang ayah sambil menangis di kaki anaknya. “Ayah menginginkan agar kamu sukses di dunia nak, ternyata kamu malah memikirkan “kemuliaan ayah” di akhirat kelak, ayah malu nak,” ujar sang ayah sambil nangis ter-sedu-sedu.
Subhanallah! Sampai di sini, saya melihat di layar Sang Khatib mengusap air matanya yang mulai jatuh, semua jamaahpun terpana, dan juga mulai meneteskan airmatanya, termasuk saya, diantara jamaahpun bahkan ada yg tidak bisa menyembunyikan suara isak tangisnya, luar biasa haru. Entah apa yg ada dibenak jamaah yang menangis itu, mungkin ada yang merasa berdosa karena menelantarkan anaknya, mungkin merasa bersalah karena lalai mengajarkan agama kepada anaknya, mungkin menyesal karena tidak mengajari anaknya mengaji, atau merasa berdosa karena malas membaca Al-Quran yang hanya tergeletak di rak bukunya, dan semua, dengan alasan sibuk urusan dunia!
Saya sendiri menangis karena merasa lalai dengan urusan akherat, dan lebih sibuk dengan urusan dunia, padahal saya tahu kalau kehidupan akherat jauh lebih baik dan kekal dari pada kehidupan dunia yang remeh temeh, sendu gurau dan sangat singkat ini, seperti firman Allah dalam Q.S. Al-An’Am 32, “Dan tiadalah kehidupan dunia ini, selain dari main-main dan senda gurau belaka. Dan sungguh kampung akhirat itu lebih baik bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa. Maka tidakkah kamu memahaminya?”
Astagfirullahal ghofururrohim, hamba mohon ampunan kepada Allah, Yang Maha Pengampun dan Maha Penyayang
*Sumber aryginanjar.com
The very obvious attraction of cheap hosting is that...err it's cheap! But what is hardly ever discussed are the hidden costs of cheap web hosting which could quite literally drain your pocket dry! So first and foremost you should learn to differentiate budget hosting from cheap hosting though they both technically fall under the category of cheap web hosting! Budget hosting classically ranges from $5 - $9 and is generally quite reliable whereas cheap hosting falls within the $2.75 - $3.50 dollar range! The following list highlights some of the more common problems associated with cheap web hosting: 1. Increased Website Downtime 2. Poor Server Response 3. Very Attractive To Spammers 4. Susceptible To Search Engine Ban 5. Lack of Customer Support 6. Fly-By-Night Risk 7. Exposure To Infections (Viruses, Trojans etc.) Let me elaborate in a bit more detail about these little discussed hidden costs that almost always invariably plague cheap hosting: 1. Increased Website Downtime One of the more common problems associated with cheap hosting is the increased frequency of website downtime; in other words the amount of time when your website is not available! This often occurs with cheap web hosting services because all too commonly there are way too many websites sharing a single server. It doesn't take a genius to figure out the longer your site is down (in other words unavailable) the more business and traffic you lose. 2. Poor Server Response Another issue common to cheap hosting arises (as mentioned above in point 1) because of the huge number of websites loaded on a single server. The end result of overloading a particular server with too many websites is that it greatly magnifies the server response time. This happens whenever multiple browser requests are conducted at the same time for a large number of sites hosted on the same server! The end result of this means that if a person tried to connect to your website they will experience the hanging browser phenomenon (a browser that takes forever to connect to a queried site). Once again you don't have to be a genius to figure out most people will rather abandon their attempt to access your site than wait forever! 3. Cheap Hosting Acts Like A Spammer Magnet! Cheap hosting is very attractive to spammers for the very obvious reason that it is cheap! You see web spammers make their money by commanding an empire of thousands of sites, each one of which makes some money and though that amount on its own may be insignificant when totaled as a whole becomes quite substantial! Obviously to increase their profit margin spammers need to keep their expenses as minimal as possible which undoubtedly includes cheap web hosting! Sharing hosting with spammer sites in and of itself does not necessarily jeopardize your website but if your cheap hosting service happens to host thousands of those spammer sites then sooner than later your website is going to get: 4. Penalized/Banned By The Search Engines (The Bad Neighborhood Phenomenon) Okay let's consider a situation where your website happens to be sharing the same server as that of thousands of spammer sites. In such a scenario there is a very good chance that somewhere down the line your website will get penalized (or even banned) by Google when invariably those spammer sites with which your site is sharing cheap hosting get involved in search engine malpractice. You see when your website is hosted on the same server as other sites (shared hosting) you share the same root IP address as those other sites, and when a search engine gets fed up with spamming from a certain IP address it doesn't bother going into details to weed out which specific domain is the culprit, it simply bans the entire IP address. OUCH! Having your website tossed from the search engines can be a very traumatic experience especially if that website had been ranking well for keywords you had spent time and money optimizing for. This by the way is not a hypothetical situation and actually happened to me not to mention the thousands others who have had the misfortune of suffering the same experience! 5. Lack Of Customer Support One of the means with which cheap hosting services keep their prices dirt-cheap low is by cutting corners on essential services like customer support. If your site happens to be parked on some cheap web hosting server and you get into a jam that needs urgent attention, then the following lists a number of very practical options you can pursue: a) Cross your fingers and mumble juju to voodoo the problem away (just kidding) b) Contact customer support and say a prayer while hoping for the best but expecting the worst. The worst in this case being a very, very long wait before you get a reply...if at all! c) Be prepared to pay a hefty fee to get any help at all; that hefty fee is usually in the region of $20 - $35! Management rightfully figures that if your cheaply-hosted site is doing well and gets a problem, then you'll probably be very willing to shell out a $35 fee to fix that $2.95 per month hosted site of yours! 6. Fly-By-Night Risk If you have spent any length of time online then I am sure you know how fickle transactions online can be. So it shouldn't come as a big surprise that there are no lack of companies that are here-one-day and gone-the-next. In the business such companies are called fly-by-night for obvious reasons and the cheap hosting arena is no stranger to this phenomenon. A lot of cheap hosting services fall under the category of fly-by-night not because they are necessarily out to dupe you from the get-go, but because eventually it dawns on them that their profit margins do not make for a viable business model. What this means to you is that one morning you could wake up to find that your hosting service has simply vanished in thin air! Once again there is no need to point out how painful this can be if your site had started performing well! Once again this all boils down to sharing the same server as countless other websites managed by a hosting service that cannot afford state-of-the-art defense software! If any one of those thousand of websites on that server gets an infection it can spill over to all the rest including yours, like an unchecked influenza pandemic! What If Any Benefits Do You Get From Cheap Hosting? Okay despite the bleak picture I have painted above it's not all bad news as far as cheap hosting is concerned because vast improvements have been made over the past few years. Just so long as you conduct your due diligence (research) there is absolutely no reason why you cannot acquire a good quality cheap hosting plan. It is a well known fact that competition in any business drives down prices and the web hosting arena is no different. In fact it is actually a mandatory requirement for any web hosting business of today that wishes to grow and continue to be competitive to offer cheap hosting services! Why? Because there is way too much competition to afford to do otherwise! There Is Cheap Hosting. And Then There Is Cheap Hosting! If you are going to opt for cheap hosting it obviously makes sense to get your service from a well established and reputable web hosting company that has a proven track record rather than some spotty hosting company that is little known! I mean cummon...does it make sense to go for a $2.75 cheap hosting plan from an unknown web host rather than opt for a slightly more expensive option of $4.95 from a well-known company that you know will still be around in a few months? Because of their sheer size an established web hosting company is going to be able to provide state-of-the-art services like defense software even for a budget hosting plan, something an upstart web host certainly won't! One final consideration you should take into account when opting for a cheap hosting plan is whether your web host provides a means for you to upgrade your plan seamlessly if the need ever arises. That need will certainly arise when the traffic volume of your website (bandwidth usage) exceeds the capacity allotted it in your current plan. Ideally you want to be able to upgrade from a shared server to a dedicated server with minimal downtime and as smoothly and painlessly as possible. How Cheap Web Hosting [http://www.internetbusinessmart.com/featured/cheap-web-hosting.php] Cost Me My Website And Domain Name! For a limited time you can get a free copy of The 5 Guaranteed Steps To Make Money Online from [http://www.internetbusinessmart.com] Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Ba_Kiwanuka/23887 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2886740


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