Sahabat yang Mencium Harum Surga di Dunia

Kisah Anas bin Nadhar ra yang mencium keharuman surga ketika masih hidup di dunia. Ia mencium harum surga ketika perang Uhud sedang berlangsung. Jika keikhlasan sudah mulai ada pada diri seseorang, nikmat surga pun akan dirasakannya ketika masih hidup di dunia.
Dikisahkan dari buku “Himpunan Fadhilah Amal” karya Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya al-Kandahlawi Rah.a bahwa Anas bin Nadhar ra adalah sahabat Nabi SAW yang tidak menyertai perang Badar. Ia sangat menyesal dan sering memarahi dirinya sendiri karena tidak dapat menyertai peperangan yang pertama dan besar dalam sejarah Islam. Maka, ia sangat berharap dapat menebusnya pada pertempuran selanjutnya. Dan ternyata, kesempatan itu datang pada perang Uhud.
Ia turut serta sebagai pejuang yang gagah berani. Pada mulanya, kaum muslimin telah mendapat kemenangan dalam perang tersebut. Namun karena suatu kekhilafan, kaum Muslimin menderita kekalahan pada akhir perang. Kekhilafahan itu adalah beberapa sahabat yang ditugaskan untuk berjaga di suatu tempat berdasarkan sabda Nabi SAW, “Kalian jangan meninggalkan tempat ini dalam keadaan bagaiman pun, karena musuh dapat menyerang dari sana.”
Pada permulaan perang, kaum Muslimin telah memperoleh kemenangan, dan kaum kafir melarikan diri. Melihat hal ini, orang-orang yang telah ditunjuk oleh Nabi SAW segera meninggalkan tempat mereka. Sebab mereka menyangka bahwa kaum Muslimin telah menang dan perang telah usai, sehingga orang-orang kafir yang melarikan diri segera dikejar dan diambil harta rampasan perangnya.
Sebenarnya, pimpinan pasukan telah melarang dan mengingatkan mereka agar tidak meninggalkan bukit. Ia berkata, “Jangan tinggalkan tempat ini, Rasulullah telah melarangnya.” Tetapi mereka menduga bahwa perintah Nabi SAW itu hanya berlaku saat perang. Mereka pun turun ke medan perang meninggalkan bukit.
Pada saat itulah pasukan kafir yang melarikan diri melihat bahwa tempat yang seharusnya dijaga oleh kaum muslimin telah kosong. Maka mereka segera kembali dan menyerang kaum muslimin dari arah sana. Hal ini sama sekali tidak diduga oleh kaum Muslimin, sehingga mereka kalah dan terjepit dalam kepungan kaum kafir dari dua arah. Keadaan menjadi kacau balau, mereka berhamburan ke sana kemari.
Saat itu ditempat lain Anas ra melihat sahabat Sa’ad bin Mu’adz ra sedang berjalan. Maka Anas ra berkata, “Hai Sa’ad, akan ke manakah engkau? Demi Allah, aku mencium harum surga datang dari arah Uhud.”
Setelah berkata demikian ia segera menuju medan peperangan. Ia mengacungkan pedang di tangannya dan menyerbu ke tengah kaum kafir, sambil bertekad tidak akan berhenti berperang sebelum syahid. Dan ia pun syahid di medan Uhud.
Tubuhnya begitu rusak ketika diperiksa. Kurang lebih terdapat delapan puluh luka akibat tebasan pedang dan panah di tubuhnya. Hanya saudara perempuannya yang dapat mengenalinya melalui ujung jemari tangannya.
When it comes to picking a hosting for your website, there is always a general confusion especially for newbie. "How come there are so many different type of hosting like shared hosting, dedicated hosting, reseller hosting and etc?", the newbie asks. Well, those are different products serving different needs of websites. The next question pops up, "what are my needs?" Generally, when you want to host your website, it is going to be either shared or dedicated hosting. 95% of the people decide within these 2. Share Hosting Shared hosting is shared among other users. A web host provider will divide a big piece of hosting into smaller partition and will allocate the storage to each user. There might be up to hundreds of website sharing the same resources. Besides, there is only one internet connection linking all the different partitions to the internet. That means all websites hosted under that same big piece of hosting share the same IP address. The biggest advantage of shared hosting is their price. Since the hosting service is shared among users, the cost follows too. Therefore it can be very cheap, as cheap as $2 per year. Also, it is meant for user-friendly where most of the settings are made default and managed by real veterans. Shared hosting is perfect for beginner. Although shared hosting sounds great with low pricing and big resources it has disadvantages too. Websites hosted under the same hosting will impact each others. If a website exceeds the usage of the allocated resources other website will be affected; in term of SEO aspect, your site will be affected if your website is hosted together with banned sites; and etc. However, these disadvantages can be easily solved by you picking up a responsible host. Dedicated Hosting When you subscribe to dedicated hosting, a dedicated and independent server computer with be purposely set up for you. You own the total space and resources. You have flexibility to do anything with the hosting. The actual benefits you get from it are numerous, including dedicated IP, dedicated bandwidth, dedicated computing power and etc. These are things really important for a huge website. However, with more flexibility, that means user will need to make more decisions in deciding how the hosting should be. More technical knowledge will be needed to maintain the hosting. Although the staff from a web host company is willing to help but most of the actual work has to be done by you. Also in term of pricing, as opposed to the shared hosting, dedicated hosting is expensive. The price can go up to a few hundred per month. In conclusion, you need to understand what your needs are. You should go for shared hosting if you have a small to medium size website; you should go for dedicated hosting if you have a huge size website. However, the price for dedicated hosting is not easily bearable for new website. Therefore I suggest them to go with shared hosting first and upgrade to dedicated hosting along the way. Hints: Get a shared hosting provider that allows upgrade. For your information, 90% of websites owners need only shared hosting. Due to the stiff competition, users nowadays get good value for money in terms of hosting features from it. Therefore for most of the people, the best shared hosting is what they need rather than a good dedicated hosting. Daren runs web hosting review sites. Learn more about his pick of web host providers in his hosting reviews. Article Source: Article Source:


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