UEA Justifikasi Agresi ke Yaman dengan Pembantaian AS di Irak

Menteri negara untuk urusan luar negeri UEA menjustifikasi serangan koalisi Saudi ke Yaman dengan kejahatan AS di Irak dan Afghanistan.
Menurut laporan situs berita Emirates 71, Anwar Gargash pada Rabu (29/8) mengatakan,”Kita harus kembali merujuk ke laporan-laporan para pakar PBB tentang Yaman. Perang memang mencakup aspek penderitaan dan kesengsaraan. Ini dibuktikan dengan apa yang terjadi di Afghanistan, Irak, dan Suriah. Namun pada akhirnya, kita bertanggung jawab atas keamanan dan stabilitas kita sendiri. Ini merupakan prioritas kita.”
Para analis berpendapat, Gargash ingin menjustifikasi bahwa pembantaian yang dilakukan koalisi Saudi di Yaman, sama seperti tindakan yang dilakukan AS dan NATO di Afghanistan dan Irak. Dia berusaha mengesankan bahwa negara-negara itu membanjirkan darah demi menjaga keamanan mereka.
Padahal, para mantan petinggi AS dan Tony Blair (mantan PM Inggris dan sekutu George Bush dalam invasi ke Irak tahun 2003) berulangkali menegaskan, invasi mereka tak hanya gagal mewujudkan keamanan untuk AS dan Inggris, bahkan invasi ke Irak, ditambah perang di Afghanistan, berperan besar dalam perluasan terorisme.
Pernyataan Gargash berkaitan dengan laporan para pakar PBB tentang perang di Yaman. Dalam laporan kepada Dewan HAM PBB, mereka menyatakan, ada bukti-bukti kuat yang menunjukkan Saudi dan UEA melakukan pelanggaran HAM di Yaman.
Selain menyebut kerugian dan kerusakan yang timbul akibat agresi koalisi Saudi ke Yaman dalam setahun terakhir, para pakar PBB meminta masyarakat dunia tidak menyediakan senjata-senjata yang mungkin akan digunakan untuk memerangi rakyat Yaman. (af/alalam)
Web hosting is necessary for all types of web sites which want to make a presence on the internet. Hosting of websites is offered by many companies at competent prices. One can opt for any company for having one's website hosted on the internet by comparing the services and the prices of the different companies. Website hosting can broadly be classified into shared website hosting, reseller hosting and dedicated hosting. All three vary in terms of the services and the price at which web hosting is offered. What is reseller hosting? Reseller hosting can be defined as that type of website hosting in which a web host buys bulk plan from a hosting company. The web host then sub divides the bulk plan into smaller plans and then resells the smaller plans to individual users. The reseller can sell space and bandwidth from a rented dedicated server. Alternatively, the reseller can get permission to sell space and bandwidth from shared server. This type of hosting is the most inexpensive method by which websites can be hosted on the internet. Classification of the reseller The reseller or the reseller host can be classified according to the role played. A reseller host can act as an agent for a company. In this case the customers buy a plan directly from the web hosting company. The plans however have been advertised by the reseller host who gets a commission on the basis of the sales made. The reseller host in case of reseller hosting can act as a marketer for the web hosting company. He advertises the hosting plans which people buy from him. However, once the hosting plan has been sold, the customers have contact with the web hosting company and not the reseller. The reseller can work on his own by purchasing large bandwidth and space from the web hosting company. He then sells small spaces and bandwidth to customers and also offers them complete support. In this case the reseller actually acts as a web hosting company. Who provides services in reseller hosting? The basic services in reseller hosting are provided by the actual website hosting company. It is the company that manages the network infrastructure and all hardware. The hosting company maintains the servers and updates them whenever necessary. Also all types of customer complaints are actually handled by the web hosting company and not the reseller. The reseller in case of reseller hosting does not require extensive knowledge about the technical aspects of providing website hosting services to the customers. The basic purpose of the reseller is to interact with the customers using a web interface. The reseller can set up and manage the different customers but cannot do anything beyond that. Anand is a webmaster for Web Hosting India [http://hosting.b4uindia.com/] visit: hosting.b4uindia.com Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Anand_Maheshwari/212517 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4209940


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