15 Foto penampakan hantu ini temani malam Jumatmu,lihat nomor 12-15 berani lihat?
Nah, berikut 15 foto penampakan hantu yang brilio.net rangkum dari Emgn, Kamis (18/8). Berani lihat?
1. Seseorang mengambil foto putrinya di Jepang. Kemudian ia melihat sepasang sepatu tempur berwarna hitam di foto, padahal tak ada orang lain di sana.
2. Wanita ini mengklaim kalau rumahnya berhantu. Terbukti saat sang suami mengambil foto dirinya bersama anjing tertangkap penampakan di balik jendela.
3. Foto-foto ini diambil oleh pekerja bangunan yang memperbaiki tangga.
4. Foto ini diambil oleh seorang janda yang kehilangan suaminya setahun lalu karena serangan jantung.
5. Wanita ini mengambil foto selfie melalui aplikasi Snapchat ketika hanya ada tiga orang di dalam ruangan (pikirnya).
6. Gambar menyeramkan ini diambil oleh pendeta K. F. Lord di North Yorkshire, Inggris pada tahun 1963.
7. Bisakah kamu melihat ada dua wajah dalam air?
8. Lihatlah sosok hantu yang sedang bermain notepad di sudut ruangan itu.
9. Penampakan hantu tak berwajah yang muncul dalam foto-foto orang hilang.
10. Foto ini diambil pada tahun 1891 selama pemakaman seseorang yang diyakini sebagai Lord Combermere.
11. Bayangan hitam tampak seperti laki-laki yang tertangkap di lorong sebuah Lembaga Pemasyarakatan di Moundsville, Virginia Barat.
12. Penampakan tangan di layar televisi.
13. Hantu di ruang tamu yang tertangkap kamera.
14. Nenek gadis yang sedang merayakan ulang tahun mengatakan kalau sosok gadis yang tertangkap kamera tampak seperti wajah Maree, salah satu cucunya yang meninggal setahun sebelumnya.
15. Melihat sesuatu yang aneh?
In this digital generation, having an electronic presence is of paramount importance. It can mean the difference between having a successful business and bankruptcy. These days, having a Facebook page is like having an entry in the phone book -- it doesn't differentiate you from your competition. To do that, you need a proper website. In order to have a proper website, you need hosting. Therefore, hosting is important for a business. The solution is e-commerce hosting.
Why is web hosting important for your business? A web page is relatively cheap, and yet is an excellent way to increase your business presence. Whether you're selling a product or a service, having a larger audience is always going to be more beneficial than not. If your business is based solely online, you save a bundle of money that actual storefronts have to pay. Property rentals, taxes, and permits are all gone. Utility bills, building maintenance, and asset protection are all things of the past. If you're running a business out of your own home, with e-commerce hosting, you have none of these added expenses. In comparison, a host and domain name are cheap. Not to mention an e-commerce website is easier to set up than an actual storefront, and you don't have to worry as much about product deliveries and employee schedules. An electronic storefront is the ideal one-man show.
What kind of hosting do you want for your small business? If you're looking to get into it with free hosting, you're probably out of luck. Most free hosts have strings attached. Some of them reserve the right to add advertisements to your site, or include a byline that you cannot remove. Others have such poor uptime that your business is hurt by having the site go down. Still others have bandwidth caps that will kill your business site the moment it becomes popular. Not to mention that many free hosts have clauses in their terms of use that say you cannot use their hosting for a business site.
No, if you're going to host a business web site, you're going to want specialized hosting. This is where e-commerce hosting comes in. Specialized e-commerce web hosting has a number of perks over free web hosts or even just generic pay service web hosting. Many e-commerce web hosts come equipped with a number of excellent tools to get your business moving. They come with suites of software to develop and secure an e-commerce website. Complicated code like shopping cards and secure business transactions are things you absolutely do not want to get wrong, so such tools bring peace of mind.
E-commerce hosting will also be designed for business instead of personal websites. They'll offer better storage, better backups, and better bandwidth. Instead of taking your site down, they'll charge you a fee, but keep your site alive. Their added uptime guarantees will make sure that your site will never lose business because of poor host decisions.
Security is another important aspect of e-commerce web hosting that you should take seriously. Free or personal web hosting comes with no guarantee of security, or a degree of security that won't suit your needs. A specialized e-commerce web host will keep their software up to date. They will keep their servers secured against outside intrusion and against physical obstruction, including hardware failure. They know the importance of your site to your business and will do everything they can to keep it safe, because if you lose business, so do they.
In the end, your choice of hosts is completely your own. It's up to you to do your own research and find a host that suits your needs. If you're running a business, that solution is probably an e-commerce host. they come in a variety of packages for whatever your needs may be, for budgets large and small. While the cost of hosting will vary, the quality of service you should demand for your e-commerce hosting should be high. Accept only the best for your business.
Saptak is website designer and search engine optimization
Saptak M. is a Website designer and Search engine optimization professional. He also answers to questions related to web hosting the Web Hosting [http://www.hostingreviewbase.com] forum. So if you have questions or have any problems related to web hosting you can ask it there.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Saptak_M/839316
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6784309
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