Beberapa Jam Setelah Keluar Lapangan, Ini Balasan Allah Untuk Miftahul Jannah dan Orang Tuanya

Masya Allah. Allahu Akbar. Walillahil hamd. Sungguh, janji Allah adalah kepastian. Tidaklah perintah-Nya dijalankan, kecuali anugerah Dia limpahkan, di dunia dan akhirat.
Hanya beberapa jam setelah teguh menolak melepas jilbab dan didiskualifikasi dari Asian Para Games 2018 jakarta, Allah langsung membalas keteguhan hati Miftahul Jannah, atlet Judo asal Aceh.
Bahkan balasan yang diterima Miftahul Jannah ini melebihi hadiah umrah yang diberikan oleh fraksi PKS.
“Dengan ini, saya dengan kerendahan hati, insya Allah kami akan menghadiahkan bagi adinda (Miftahul Jannah) tiket untuk menunaikan ibadah umrah dan jika masih ada orang tua, maka Anda akan didampingi oleh kedua orang tua Anda.
Dan bila pun orang tua tidak ada, maka Anda bisa memilih dua orang untuk mendampingi Anda.” kata Ustadz Adi Hidayat, Senin (8/10/18) malam.
Motivasi BerjilbabUstadz Adi Hidayat, dalam kesempatan tersebut menegaskan bahwa jilbablah yang menjadi sebab bagi Miftahul hingga mendapatkan hadiah umrar.
“Selamat. Jilbab itu yang mengantarkan Anda ke Makkah, bukan yang lain.” lanjut dai kelahiran Pandeglang, Banten ini.
Tak lupa, Ustadz Adi juga menyampaikan nasihat kepada seluruh muslimah lain untuk teguh mempertahankan jilbab.
“Saat Anda (muslimah di seluruh dunia) wafat, yang pertama mengitari kepala Anda bukan yang lain, tapi jilbab.
Maka jangan sampai saat hidup Anda tidak berjilbab, tapi setelah mati Anda minta dikenakan jilbab.” tegasnya.
Sebagaimana diketahui sebelumnya, Miftahul Jannah menolak melepas jilbab sehingga didiskualifikasi dari pertandingan Judo pada Asian Para Games 2018 Jakarta.
Miftahul mendapatkan dukungan dari masyarakat Muslim Indonesia atas keteguhannya mempertahankan prinsip beragama. Miftahul menyatakan, dirinya ingin terlihat sempurna di hadapan Allah.
“Bukan sempurna di mata manusia, tetapi di dalam penilaian Allah.” kata Miftahul ungkapkan alasannya.
Web hosting is a very popular process in today's business world. So it is important that everyone should have some basic knowledge about it. The process of hosting a website into the World Wide Web is called web hosting. The website will be having multiple pages and graphic images. When a person visits a site, the web pages are downloaded to his system. This is enabled by the web server. So the most important part in the creation of a website in the internet is to find a host for it. The completely designed website is then uploaded to the web by the server and any person can then log on to that site and view the pages containing both texts and images. The hosting will be done by professional companies which are engaged in this business of web hosting. The client will have to pay a definite amount to the host as the charge for their service. Different plans are available for leasing out the server and above that, different types of hosting is there to suit each client who is having different needs. The hosting is a very specific business which needs a lot of skill and technical knowledge. A host who is having a good server with high storage capacity can host numerous sites. The web servers are the database of the sites which are always connected to the internet. It will be functioning all the time to provide the visitors to access the sites at any time they wish. The security of the servers is the things of prime importance. If the security of a shared server is compromised, it can cause loss to thousands of companies around the world. The web hosting can be mainly divided into five types and they are: Shared hosting Dedicated hosting Co location hosting Re-seller hosting Free hosting In among the different types of web hosting the most common are the shared and dedicated hosting. The names itself suggests the character of it. Shared hosting is considered as the economical option than that of the dedicated version. But the resources at your disposal will be very much limited in case of the former. In this type the same server will be having a lot of smaller sites. It is a good option for small companies who want to be in the web. They won't be having the need for big space or bandwidth. More over they don't have to spend a lot of money on it. For more information, visit They offer information on ipage hosting services, including an ipage web hosting review []. Article Source: Article Source:


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