Heboh ! Seorang Anak Kecil Minta Uang Ke Khabib, Reaksi Khabib Malah Begini
Mengenai hal itu, Mike Tyson juga angkat bicara mengenai tawuran yang pecah usai pertandingan Conor McGregor Vs KhabibNurmagomedov di Las Vegas, Amerika Serikat, Minggu (7/10/2018). Menurut dia, kejadian itu lebih buruk dari aksi yang melibatkannya pada 1997 lalu.
Sportivitas menghilang dari duel McGregor Vs Khabib. Tidak ada jabat tangan usai pertarungan yang berlangsung di Las Vegas, Amerika Serikat, Minggu (7/10/2018).
Referensi pihak ketiga
Bukan tanpa alasan Khabib melakukan aksi itu. Dalam konferensi pers usai pertandingan, Khabib mengaku jengkel dan marah lantaran agama dan ayahnya selalu dihina oleh McGregor sebelum pertandingan.
Referensi pihak ketiga
"Pertama-tama, saya ingin meminta maaf kepada Komisi Atletik Nevada lalu kepada Vegas. Saya tahu ini bukan sisi terbaik saya. Saya hanyalah seorang manusia," ujar Khabib, dikutip dari Independent, Senin 8 Oktober 2018.
Dia mengaku tidak paham mengapa tindakannya keluar ring. "Dia (McGregor) bicara soal agama saya, dia bicara soal negara saya, dia bicara soal ayah saya," kata Khabib.
Terlepas dari berita tersebut, kali ini Khabib Membuat Hoboh publik lagi. Bukan karena di atas ring melainkan reaksi Khabib saat seorang anak kecil meminta uang padanya.
Terlihat dalam sebuah video Khabib sedang berada di dalam sebuah mobil. Disaat bersamaan seorang anak kecil meminta uang pada Juara dunia kelas ringan UFC Khabib Nurmagomedov tersebut. Reaksi Khabib malah begini.
Referensi pihak ketiga
Referensi pihak ketiga
Khabib meminta Anak kecil itu untuk ngaji terlebih dahulu Baru dapat uang. Yang lebih mengejutkan lagi. Seorang anak kecil tersebut mengaji dengan suara yang sangat merdu. untuk lebih jelasnya, lihat video.
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Pengalaman pribadi dan Opini
Today there are millions of websites on the internet. Also daily a number of websites are entering to the World Wide Web. All websites differ with each other in many ways, but despite of all things one thing is common in them, and that is they all use windows hosting. Windows hosting is one of the most important considerations in the process of hosting a website.
Many people have misconception that all packages of the windows hosting are same. What people think is that the work of web hosts for every website is same, this is not true. It depends on the requirement of the client that what type of the service should be provided. Packages are also determined according to the demand of the client. If the user is in need of a website that will require lot of work by the web host, it will be expensive for him. On the contrary if the user requires a normal website, he or she will have to pay lesser for that. Professional website is expensive than that website which is just made for fun and whose motto is not of profit earning. Web hosts provide packages that suit your pocket easily; reason is because they know there are numbers of competitors available, ready to offer services at a low cost.
Many alternatives are available in the market. Free hosting helps the beginners with no experience. There are few disadvantages of free windows hosting. For the clients looking for the customization, shared hosting is the best choice. Shared hosting means where large numbers of websites are on a single server. This type of hosting is less expensive. One of the major disadvantages of this type of hosting is that any of the mistakes of the fellow web host can cause your website to come down. This happens because you share a common IP address, so the client should be careful while sharing their website.
Another type of hosting is dedicated hosting. In this type of hosting client is provided with a server where only single website is there. Complications get lesser in this type of windows hosting. There are many advantages of dedicated hosting. Client is provided with a separate IP address, good bandwidth and visitors. Client will not have to worry from any of the illegal situation.
Reseller hosting is also the type of windows hosting. In this hosting, extra cash can be earned easily. What happens is that you purchase or buy a hosting package from a company and then after that split the space. These divided portions are easily purchased by the webmasters. By this you can easily earn extra money. So if you are in a need of website there are number of options available for you. All you have to do is to go for a best web host. Just try to know that the web host you are choosing has the ability to stand at a special position in the crowd of the web hosts.
Anand is a webmaster for Linux Hosting [http://hosting.b4uindia.com/linux_web_hosting.htm] visit: hosting.b4uindia.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Anand_Maheshwari/212517
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5203723
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