Kalau Nemu Tanaman Pandan Kayak Gini, Siap-Siap Kamu Kaya Mendadak
Berlian adalah sesuatu yang selalu menjadi dambaan semua orang, karena berlian sendiri adalah salah satu sumber kekayaan. Biasanya untuk mendapatkan berlian itu butuh proses yang sangat rumit, namun kamu tahu tidak, ternyata berlian ada yang bisa didapatkan dari tumbuh- tumbuhan, lho! Gak percaya? Simak aja ulasan dibawah ini:
Tumbuhan Berlian
Ternyata, di dunia ini tuh ada satu jenis tumbuhan yang hanya bisa tumbuh di atas tambang berlian!
Para peneliti dari Florida International University mengklaim bahwa ada satu jenis tanaman pandan yang bisa tumbuh di atas pipa lava, yaitu jenis Pandanus candelabrum. Bila tanaman ini bisa tumbuh, mereka percaya bahwa tanah dibawah tempat pandan tersebut bertumbuh adalah tambang berlian!
Nih kayak gini bentuk tanamannya.
Pada dasarnya, berlian sendiri berasal dari batu mulia kimberlite yang terbentuk di dalam tanah akibat aktivitas vulkanik. Nah, pandan jenis ini dipercaya bisa tumbuh diatas kimberlite tersebut.
Tanaman ini pun sudah menjadi buruan banyak orang, karena ia bisa menjadi petunjuk adanya tambang berlian.
Menurut berbagai sumber, tanaman ini aslinya berasal dari Liberia, salah satu negara termiskin di Afrika yang terkenal memiliki kandungan berlian terbesar di dunia. Jadi, kalau kamu menemukan tanaman seperti ini di dekat rumahmu, bisa jadi dibawah sana ada tambang berlian! Selamat berburu dan jangan lupa di-share, ya!
Sumber: article.cerpen.co.id/post_138923.html
With today's technologies and the increasing demand for a wider variety of services, are Web hosting providers pricing their programs competitively in today's market? Web hosting has advanced into a collection of multifaceted specialized categories from shared hosting to dedicate hosting. Also, hosting has always been driven by a growing customer's demand and advances in the latest technology. As increasing number of businesses and individuals continue to design their own Web sites, now web content is becoming a bigger part of our daily lives. Which in turn, hosting companies are adapting to meet customers high expectations from their hosting programs especially the percentage of uptime. Concerned customers are continuously searching for high performance, professional services, and responsibility from their hosting provider at an affordable price.
At this time Shared hosting is the most inexpensive and most popular selection in today's Web hosting market. Fees start at a nominal monthly sum for affordable Shared hosting. The advantage with Shared hosting is you will receive unlimited bandwidth and unlimited storage space with several other services for a low monthly fee. There is one negative aspect on Shared hosting; you will be sharing a server with hundreds of other Web sites. But the good news is with today's technology Web hosting providers are constantly improving the industry to avoid any security issues or slow down in performance and uptime. There are countless number of satisfied customers that share their hosting services, (Shared Hosting), and a great number of reputable, qualified providers to select from. Always research review sites to help you determine which provider is the best choice for your Web presence requirements.
As you shop for Web hosting services, your will find excellent information on low pricing and upscale services. Fees start at $1.99 per month all the way up to $15 monthly for affordable Shared hosting. You will find countless hosting companies advertising starter plans at $3.95 per month. Keep in mind that you will not pay the $3.95 monthly; you will be charged on your credit card or your means of payment a one time annual fee of $47.40, ($3.95 per month for 12 months = $47.40). As you can see the fees are extremely low and the Shared Web hosting provider are at the break even point when it comes to their profits. However, their increase in earnings comes at the end of the annual period when you renew your hosting package.
Whether you are in the developments stages of creating a one person startup business or you have enjoyed a Web presence for years, now is the perfect time to shop for a Web host. You have to look at hosting services the same way you view any shopping venture. Price comparison and your Web requirements are essential when reviewing providers. In today's Web hosting there are different price structures for different programs to meet your Web site needs. Within the last 2 years, hosting companies are realizing the value of adding important management services to help the Web site owner. You have a great opportunity to make careful cost comparisons with the large quantity of providers available today. If you are currently associated with a host service and no matter how comfortable you are with your service, it never hurts to take an updated course in the current cost of Web hosting. So please do your research carefully and select the best program for your Web site's requirements.
For more information on Web hosting providers, please visit http://www.webhostingall.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Alfredo_Valenzuela/795153
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