Kesombongan Caleg Nasdem Vi1R4 Langsung Dibalas Gempa

Akun facebook bernama Lili Ali menjadi sangat viral karena postingannya menantang Tuhan, tak tahunya Allah mengijabahi dan memusnahkan orang-orang tak berdosa dengan mengirim gempa dan disusul tsunami.
Akun Lili Ali tertanggal 22 September 2018 jam 30:37 WITA menulis BIAR GEMPA MOGOYANG PALU… EYKEER TETAP PILIH PA DEEE . Di bawahnya ada foto Joko Widodo duduk bersila di atas kayu yang mengapung di atas laut. Namun sekarang setelah gempa itu terjadi postingan itu sudah dihapus. Yang ada adalah makian orang dan penyesalan orang atas kelakuan Caleg ini.
Seperti diketahui setelah 6 hari kemudian, gempa memang terjadi pada Jumat 28 September 2018 jam 17.03 WITA. Getarannya berkekuatan 7,7 Skala Richter melulkuh lantakkan Donggala dan Palu. Setengah jam kemudian tsunami datang dan melumat pemukiman di sekitar pantai.
Sumber: Facebook
Dalam profilnya, Lili Ali beralamat di Palu, Sulawesi Tengah. Dia adalah pendukung Jokowi. Bahkan ada yang menelusuri dan memajang foto lainnya yang nampaknya dia adalah seorang Caleg dari Nasdem dengan nama di bawah fotonya adalah Hj. Arnila M. Ali. Kalau benar dia caleg Nasdem dan jadi anggota dewan, mau dibawa kemana negara ini.
Karena viralnya hingga minggu malam 30/9/2018, postingan itu telah dikomentari 2.500 orang lebih dan dibagikan lebih dari 1750 kali. Kebanyakan orang ingin melihat postingan yang asli yang ternyata sudah dihapus.
Ada juga tanggapan yang menyebut Lili Ali sudah ikut ditelan tsunami dan jenazahnya sudah ditemukan oleh tim Basarnas sehingga tercatat sebagai korban doanya sendiri. Namun tanggal 28 September 2018, Lili Ali masih posting menawarkan jasa catering. Artinya dia masih hidup.
Sumber: facebook
Tulisan ini ingin saya akhiri dengan sebuah pesan bahwa apa yang kita posting adalah doa dan sikap. Makanya janganlah sombong, karena kesombongan adalah syirik kecil. Ingatlah QS Luqman ayat 18:

{وَلَا تُصَعِّرْ خَدَّكَ لِلنَّاسِ وَلَا تَمْشِ فِي الْأَرْضِ مَرَحًا إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يُحِبُّ كُلَّ مُخْتَالٍ فَخُورٍ } [لقمان: 18]

“Dan janganlah kamu memalingkan mukamu dari manusia (karena sombong) dan janganlah kamu berjalan di muka bumi dengan angkuh. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang sombong lagi membanggakan diri.” (TQS. Luqman : 18).

{إِنَّهُ لَا يُحِبُّ الْمُسْتَكْبِرِينَ } [النحل: 23]

“Sesungguhnya Dia tidak menyukai orang-orang yang menyombongkan diri.” (TQS. An Nahl : 23).
Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,

أَلَا أُخْبِرُكُمْ بِأَهْلِ النَّارِ قَالُوا بَلَى قَالَ كُلُّ عُتُلٍّ جَوَّاظٍ مُسْتَكْبِرٍ

“Maukah kamu aku beritahu tentang penduduk neraka? Mereka semua adalah orang-orang keras lagi kasar, tamak lagi rakus, dan takabbur (sombong).“ (HR. Bukhari no. 4918 dan Muslim no. 2853).
Mari kita bertaubat sebelum ajal menjemput. Kita berduka dengan bencana gempa dan tsunami Palu dan Donggala. Semoga saja kasus ini menjadi pelajaran buat orang yang berfikir. (fur/30/9/2018).
Sumber : Al-Banjary 2018-09-30
(Dibaca 4.218 kali, 2.549 untuk hari ini)
For anyone desiring an online presence, understanding the different web hosting types is the first step toward success. This knowledge will be your weapon in deciding on the right hosting plan for your business. There are many hosting types but I will treat the popular ones. Free hosting: This is the most common of all hosting types. As the name implies, you pay nothing for creating and hosting a website or blog. It comes with a lot of conditions, so if you are signing up for a free hosting service, read the terms of service very well. There are limitations and restrictions on this hosting type and in most cases, there are adverts placed on your site. This clearly indicates that the absolute control of your web pages lies solely with the free service provider. Consequently, this type of hosting is ideal for a hobby site because if you use it for a business site, you will be damaging your reputation. Shared hosting: Shared hosting gives you the opportunity to create and run a website at a cheaper rate. This is due to the fact that you will be placed on the same server with some other customers, and since you are sharing a server with others, you will also share the cost with them. Shared hosting is good for small business owners who can migrate to other plans as their businesses grow. One of the disadvantages in this type of hosting is that there are limitations to the amount of data transfer that is allowed between your website and the rest of internet community. VPS hosting: VPS is an acronym of Virtual Private Server and it is an advanced form of shared hosting. In this hosting type, a server is split into multiple divisions and a part is allocated to you, thereby giving you more access to the server. This will give you the feeling that you are on a dedicated server, but in actual sense, you are not. VPS hosting is ideal for medium-sized companies with corresponding traffic expectations and large databases. This is because it gives room for an allocation of a higher bandwidth than shared hosting. Dedicated hosting: You can imagine how great it would be to be the sole owner of a server - that is what dedicated hosting is all about, but it comes with a price. As a matter of fact, it is the most expensive of all hosting types because you will have full access to the server environment. Furthermore, you can create as many websites as possible and you can even host other websites for profit. Dedicated hosting is the choice of large corporations with high bandwidth requirements and large databases. It is also good for business owners who intend to create many websites. The disadvantage of dedicated hosting is that it is expensive to acquire and maintain, but the turnover will outweigh the cost in the long run. Visit this reputable web hosting company [] for various hosting plans. Olushola Otenaike is a web hosting expert. He owns a web hosting company, NetlinkMvt [], that has been providing up-time guaranteed hosting services to individuals and corporations all over the world. Article Source: Article Source:


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